Every Perfect Gift

“Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above….”
James 1:17 NSRV

The theme and image for Every Perfect Gift are wrapped in the metaphor of the butterfly and chrysalis.

To the ancient Greeks, the butterfly represented the image of rebirth and freedom. The word they used for butterfly was psyche. It also means spirit. The humble and beautiful butterfly contains the philosophical and spiritual idea of the soul breaking free from its shell—free to discover, to inspire, to create, to communicate, to share.

These are also spiritual gifts—gifts that when we free ourselves to serve in the world, we need and share with others; and they are gifts of our stewardship. As we share our time, talent, and treasure with our church and with the world, we unleash those same gifts in our communities: discovery, inspiration, creativity, communication, sharing.  Through the ministries that are enabled by our gifts, the inspiration we show to our neighbors to unlock their generosity in the world, and the stories we tell about ourselves and our experiences, we participate with God in an abundant vision for the world. Every perfect gift comes from God above.

Letter from the Rector & Senior Warden

My 2022 Promise

Saint Mark’s Ministries


Saint Mark’s Stewardship

Ten Things You Should Know About Saint Mark’s and Stewardship

10.  Nearly 80% of Saint Mark’s annual budget comes from pledges.

9.  105 households pledged to Saint Mark’s in 2021.

8.  Your pledges pay for the building, staff, and supplies that create space for worship, learning and service.

7.  Saint Mark’s depends on pledges and on your gifts of time and skill as well.

6.  You can give a gift of stock to Saint Mark’s. This may give you some capital gains tax savings.

5.  A lot of our ministries are run by a very few volunteers. Can you help with something additional this year?

4.  You can donate to Saint Mark’s from your required annual distribution from your IRA or 401K.

3.  To fund the ministry of Saint Mark’s at the 2021 level we need $410,000 in pledge income – or $3900 per pledging household. That is about $78/week.

2.  Could you add $20/week to your pledge from last year? If everyone did that would give Saint Mark’s an additional $100,000 in 2022 for our mission and ministry.

1.  God loves you, no exceptions!