Our stewardship theme this year is Rooted in Abundance. We are inspired to give because so much has been given to us. We give so that we can share that love with a world in need.
Saint Mark’s is a visible symbol of the love of God in our community. Saint Mark’s is an important part of the community in Upper Arlington and beyond.
This is possible because our members give their time and expertise to make it happen. Sunday worship services depend on ushers, lectors, choir members, chalice bearers, acolytes, livestream producers and many more. Youth group depends on leaders. Outreach depends on many people being willing to help.
We will be celebrating the ingathering on Sunday October 29.
You can bring your pledge card to church on the 29th, send it in before that or give through the online pledge form.
If you did not receive a stewardship mailing, please let our office manager, Melanie Jacobs know (officemanager@saintmarkscolumbus.org) She can send you a pledge card.
Giving and Pledging
Our work, our prayers and our giving are all about making God’s love visible and available to all in our lives. Learn more.
Seasons of Stewardship
Stewardship is a grateful response to all that God has given us, and involves our care for the planet, the church, our bodies and our lives. Learn more.
A Legacy of Generosity
Planned giving, estate planning, and remembering the Church. Learn more.
Ten Things You Should Know About Saint Mark’s and Stewardship
10. Nearly 80% of Saint Mark’s annual budget comes from pledges.
9. 110 households pledged to Saint Mark’s last year.
8. Your pledges pay for the building, staff, and supplies that create space for worship, learning, and service.
7. Saint Mark’s depends on pledges and on your gifts of time and skill as well.
6. You can give a gift of stock to Saint Mark’s. This may give you some capital gains tax savings.
5. Our ministries are led by lay volunteers. Can you help with something additional this year?
4. You can donate to Saint Mark’s from your required annual distribution from your IRA or 401K.
3. To fund the ministry of Saint Mark’s at the current level we need $500,000 in pledge income – or $4545 per pledging household. That is about $87/week per household.
2. Could you add $20/week to your pledge from last year?
1. God loves you. No exceptions.