Lay Ministries

Altar Guild

DSC02111(75)These dedicated teams care for the Altar – the symbolic table and center of our community – and other liturgical furnishings and appointments.

Flower Guild

Welcome.jpgSaint Mark’s Flower Guild was founded in 1983 in order to create arrangements for the Altar each week.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

The Eucharistic Visitor Ministry brings the reserve sacrament (communion) to members of the Saint Mark’s community who are home bound and cannot attend Sunday worship service.

Eucharistic Visitor Resources

The information on this page is for those interested in learning more about Eucharistic Visitation – including those who feel called to participate in this ministry both as a care receiver or a care giver.

Stephen Ministry

whorecieves“Stephen Ministry,” provides congregations with the  training, resources, and ongoing support to organize and equip a team of lay caregivers – called Stephen Ministers – in the congregation.

Acolytes and Vergers

Acolytes serve at worship wearing medieval costumes – and sometimes play with fire.

Vergers are the “masters of ceremony” –  they help organize worship, and lead all processions.


Lay Readers and Chalice Bearers

These lay people assist with numerous functions during worship. Training manuals, current schedules and online resources are found here.


Lay Liturgical Ministers Resources


This page includes manuals, liturgical customaries, and guides to Biblical pronunciation, hymnody, and homiletics.