Warden’s Stewardship Message

God as The Giver

Dear Friends


Throughout the Bible, we are reminded that God is a giver of all good things.  God gives us life and “this fragile earth, our island home.”

Thank you for your interest in support of the ministry and mission of Saint Mark’s.

On Sunday, October 11, we embarked on a five-week annual giving campaign:  God the Giver.  You have heard from fellow parishioners about how God’s abundant gifts have touched our lives…and how we are called to respond to such awesome generosity.  On November 8, we will have the opportunity to express our gratitude to God.

Our ministries at Saint Mark’s give life through the generosity of all our members.  Each week, we are nurtured in word and sacrament.  Empowered by the Spirit each week, we can then go into the world to care for those who are ill or hurting, and welcome all those searching for a connection to God and community.

You are a part of this “giving community” at Saint Mark’s.  We respond to God’s giving by being generous ourselves.  While giving levels vary in the congregation, all of us are asked to make a gift that reflects our gratitude for a giving God and our care for one another.  We are called to make our giving a reflection of God’s giving to us.

The journey of faith is best done by a community.  We’re so grateful you are traveling with us.  The annual giving campaign is a time set aside to reflect on how the practice of intentional giving is in keeping with all that God has given us.  One of the most important passages of the Bible, John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son.”  God so loves each and every one of us that God gave and continues to give.

We invite you to prayerfully consider all that God has given you.  Prayerfully consider how the Holy Spirit is calling you to share God’s abundance through Saint Mark’s!  Think about all God has given you and then respond as generously as you can.  Please consider how your standard of living is reflected in your standard of giving – and consider making a pledge in support of Christ’s ministry here. There are numerous online ways to contribute from our Stewardship page or a card may be downloaded from the webpage HERE.

We’re so grateful that you are one of the wonderful giving companions with whom we share our ministry at Saint Mark’s!


Craig Zimpher                                         Jill Hinton

Senior Warden                                          Junior Warden



“This is a God who intervenes on our behalf, not because we deserve it, but because God’s love is freely given. It is grace. It is not earned. It cannot be earned. It does not need to be earned.”    –   Archbishop Desmond Tutu from  In God’s Hands.


