Your generous giving helps support the financial vitality of Saint Mark’s and the many ways God is at work through our ministries.
Saint Mark’s Online Give portal is a secure way to give by direct bank transfer, credit card, or debit card. You may designate your gift to be applied toward a specific fund by making a selection in the dropdown menu labeled Fund.
Giving and Pledging
Our work, our prayers and our giving are all about making God’s love visible and available to all in our lives.
Learn more about:
Why to give to Saint Mark’s.
How to give to Saint Mark’s.
What is pledging and why is it important?
Seasons of Stewardship
Stewardship is a grateful response to all that God has given us, and involves our care for the planet, the church, our bodies and our lives.
Learn more.
A Legacy of Generosity
Planned Giving
Remembering the Church
Estate Planning
Learn more.
Saint Mark’s Stewardship Resources
Where we are
Where we’ve been
Our direction for the future.
.Learn more.
“This is a God who intervenes on our behalf, not because we deserve it, but because God’s love is freely given. It is grace. It is not earned. It cannot be earned. It does not need to be earned.”
– Archbishop Desmond Tutu