
Mission Statement

As a Christ-centered community, the people of Saint Mark’s seek a world in which all people share the joy of loving God and each other by…

· Celebrating worship together with inspiring words, music and traditions

· Serving all of our neighbors

· Engaging in fellowship and hospitality

· Encouraging people in their lifelong spiritual formation

· Being a beacon of Christ’s presence in the world


DSC04158(75)Saint Mark’s Outreach Committee seeks to be good stewards of the resources it has been entrusted with and will oversee expending those resources to support the community.


Picture2Online Contributions

Giving and Pledging

“Walking the Way”

Seasons of Stewardship

Warden’s Stewardship Message

Parish Statistics

Support Groups

Edited pic 2Saint Mark’s is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for a number of community groups who need a place to meet.

Parish History

Welcome Image 2Since 1952 Saint Mark’s has been an Episcopal presence for Columbus in Upper Arlington. Read more about the parish story and visit its archives here.

Formation IMG_0616

Feeds the spirit and shapes us as children of God. These are ways we grow more fully into the spiritual beings God has created us to be.

See the Winter/Spring Schedule HERE.


“God’s Spirit is evident at Saint Mark’s through the scores of volunteers who serve with acts of kindness and compassion.”


Anonymous parishioner