For more information, contact the Parish Office.
Fourth Monday Evening Book Group At 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month at a member’s house for dessert, beverage and discussion of the book for the month, chosen earlier from recommendations by the participants. Members take turns being the discussion leader, providing information on the author, reviews of the book and questions to stimulate discussion. In addition, the group has a summer picnic, a holiday party and occasional outings related to one of the books, such as authors’ talks or movies.
Pat Iams, Leader
To participate in an event, contact the Parish Office here.
SISTERS OF FAITH is a covenant women’s group that focuses on prayer, study, and discussion and sharing the presence of God in one’s life.
Pat Iams, Convener
SUPPER GROUP This is a great way to meet people at Saint Mark’s. Couples and singles, gather in small groups at people’s homes for fun, fellowship and food. A gathering of the whole takes place in September where members sign-up for hosting a particular month or two. The Supper Group meets in the parish hall on the first Saturday of the month.
Barb Keyes and Dianne Silliman talk about some of the unexpected joys of joining a supper group.
GOLF LEAGUE Mondays at 6:00 p.m. for about $15 a round, at Raymond Memorial Golf Course. The group plays for fun (no scoring). Both men and women are welcome to play on a full-time or substitute basis. Call Jim ahead of time to be sure space is available.
Jim Keyes, Leader
For the leader’s contact information, log in to the eDirectory here.
Golf Leader, Jim Keyes asks: “Wouldn’t you love to do that?”
For more information, please contact the office.
The Member Care Meals ministry provides meals to parishioner’s who are in need of help with meals due to illness, recovery, a new baby, bereavement or other situations. If you or someone you know is ill, recovering, or in need of help with meals, or if you would like to help in this ministry, please contact the office. To request Member Care contact the parish office here.
MEMORIAL RECEPTION VOLUNTEERS Members bake cookies, make sandwiches, create vegetable or fruit platters, as well as work in the kitchen or serve to offer grieving families and their friends an opportunity to get together and share after a Memorial Service.
WEDDING COORDINATION VOLUNTEERS Members meet with the engaged couple and clergy to get all of the details of the upcoming wedding. They provide a tour and a general overview, and help to coordinate access for vendors, the rehearsal and the bridal party. One person is on-site early on the wedding day for last minute help and direction.
Learn more about weddings at Saint Mark’s.
FELLOWSHIP HOUR GUILD Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. service. Members provide coffee, tea, fruit punch, cookies, etc. for the fellowship hour. Men and women (and sometimes their children) volunteer to make or buy cookies, help set–up and serve, or help with clean-up once a month.
LAY EUCHARISTIC VISITORS Members assist the clergy with bringing Holy Communion to the sick, shut-in, and others unable to attend worship for an extended period of time. Special training is available, and licensing by the diocese is required.
Dianne Silliman and Michele Johnson, Leaders
Learn more about receiving Home Communion.
STEPHEN MINISTERS Assist the clergy by providing a ministry of Christian listening to members of the parish who may be going through a difficult period in their lives. Those who feel called to this ministry apply to the clergy to participate in the training course led by the Stephen Leaders.
Pat Barton, Michele Johnson, and Dianne Silliman, Leaders
To get involved, contact the Parish Office here.
LAY WEEDERS AND PLANTERS Volunteers help with the upkeep of flower pots and gardens by the front entrances. They choose the type of flower and plant them in the pots or gardens. Also many volunteers are needed for watering every two or three days throughout the summer. Help is welcome from responsible members of all ages.
FLOWER GUILD Volunteers make the floral arrangements for the altar each month. The captain for the month calls and assigns whoever that month’s volunteers may be, depending on the number of Sundays. The Guild meets in September, December, the Easter season and before “Art in Bloom,” a special exhibit in which the Guild makes flower arrangements to complement an assigned art object at the Columbus Museum of Art. Trips to places like Franklin Park Conservatory, the Liturgical Art Guild, etc. are often taken and there is a Guild luncheon in June.
ALTAR GUILD Maintains the vestments and altar vessels and assists in preparations for the Worship Service each Sunday and on special Services. No experience is required; an assigned partner helps train a new volunteer. Assignments are usually once a month with special occasion assignments as necessary. The Guild is open to both men and women and children may come along as apprentices.
MUSIC MINISTRIES Includes opportunities for involvement such as Saint Mark’s Choir, the Canterbury Choir for children and youth, and the Friends of Music at Saint Mark’s.
Matthew Bester, Director of Music
Contact the Director of Music here.
WORSHIP ASSISTANTS volunteer in the following ministries:
- ACOLYTES lead the procession with cross or candles and assist the clergy at the Altar during every Worship Service. Adults assist at the 8 a.m. service; typically teens or mature younger children assist at the 10:30 a.m. service. Volunteers usually serve twice per month on Sundays, plus special services. Practice sessions are held two or three times yearly. A volunteer can become an Acolyte at any time of the year.
- LECTORS are given brief training in public speaking. Prior to the Worship Service, volunteers are expected to study and practice their assigned reading for clarity, understanding, feeling and expression. Before training can begin, volunteers must be approved by the Rector.
- LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS assist with Communion by administering the Chalice. Volunteers are welcome but must go through several steps: be approved by the Rector, attend training and then receive a license from the Diocese.
- USHERS start with offering a friendly greeting while providing bulletins, information and any needed physical assistance, as well as to assist with Offerings and Communion. Ushering duties are typically handled by assigned teams which serve one Sunday per month. Men, women and children are welcome to volunteer.
Bill Silliman, Head Verger
For more information, contact the Head Verger.
CHRISTIAN FORMATION – Children and Youth
Learn more about children’s formation here.
CHURCH SCHOOL STAFF VOLUNTEERS Help teach the “Godly Play” curriculum to children of pre-school age through 5th grade. The curriculum utilizes interactive storytelling with props and figures. Church School is held during the first
part of the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, except on the first Sunday of the month when the Canterbury Choir sings and there is a children’s homily instead of the usual sermon.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is a high-energy, entertaining and learning volunteer opportunity, which takes place for one week of the summer, usually in June from 9 a.m. until noon. The curriculum follows a theme that is supported by Bible stories, dramas, movies, crafts, singing, snacks and games. Adults and teenage volunteers are needed.
YOUTH GROUP participation is for all 6th through 12th graders and is divided into two groups: Middle School &
High School Youth. Activities range from movie night to bowling, to hosting a Halloween festival after church for children and their families.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Volunteers on these Saturday projects, beginning at 7 or 8 a.m., bring their own tools and are responsible for their own health. In addition to laborers, volunteers are also needed to provide lunch food that is delivered to the work site.
ST. JOHN’S TOWN STREET DINNER Volunteers help feed the hungry at St. John’s Episcopal Church in inner city Franklinton, just west of downtown. Every few months, on a Wednesday night, Saint Mark’s provides food, prepares and serves it, cleaning up afterwards. Sign-up sheets are in the Parish Hall before each date; volunteers can sign up for early preparation, serving, or clean-up or help with more than one of these phases.
STREET CHURCH Volunteers prepare food at Saint Mark’s to feed the hungry at Street Church, and some travel downtown to attend Street Church on a regular basis.
NNEMAP Food Pantry Volunteers support the Near Northside Emergency Material’s Assistance Program by collecting goods at Saint Mark’s, conducting seasonal drives and volunteering weekly at their headquarters at 1064 N. High Street.