Wednesday Healing Service

This quiet noonday gathering each Wednesday includes both The Holy Eucharist and an optional laying-on of hands for healing. The congregational gathers behind the Altar and sits in choir chairs for the first part of the liturgy, then moves around the Altar rail for the Eucharist.

Often the life of an individual (s) who have made a particularly inspiring witness to Jesus Christ is highlighted from the resource: “Holy Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Lives of the Saints”, DSC05022 (Church Publishing, 2010).


Holy Women, Holy Men

“Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs,

holy women, holy men,

with affections recollections

greet we your return again.

Worthy deeds they wrought, and wonders,

worthy of the Name they bore;


St. Columba’s Abby, Island of Iona, Scotland

we, with meetest praise and sweetest, honor them for evermore.”


Twelfth century Latin text,

translated John Mason Neale

#238, The Hymnal, 1982