Summer at Saint Mark’s
Summer Take Home Church
If you are travelling this summer and will not be able to join us for digital worship. Or if you are looking for some summer devotions for you our your family, we have created Take Home Church for June, July and August. the brochure for each month includes a short service and readings and reflection questions for each week.
You can download them or pick up hard copies from the arched bookcase in the parish hall.
4th of July
Saint Mark’s has the perfect spot for watching the fireworks on the 4th. We will gather on the Tremont Rd lawn beginning around 7 p.m. We will have a small grill and cook hotdogs, make popcorn and have some lemonade.
Bring your chair or blanket, any food you want to add to the feast. The fireworks start around 10 p.m.
We have a booklet of reflections for the 4th based on the prayers for the nation in the Book of Common Prayer.
Farmer’s Market
On Wednesdays from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. the Upper Arlington Farmer’s Market takes place in the parking lot of the Tremont Center, right across the street from Saint Mark’s.
We open the church and invite our neighbors to use our bathrooms, tables and just relax in our space. We say Compline together at 6 p.m. on the patio.
You can sign up for one of the host shifts or just drop by and join in the conversation.
Street Church
On Sunday June 30 Saint Mark’s will be providing lunch for Street Church put on by Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Columbus.
You can help by helping assemble lunch during coffee hour on the 30th or by going down with the crew to serve lunch.
Herb Garden
In the wooden planter outside the office door, you will find a variety of herbs. There are scissors and small bags there too. Cut some herbs and take them home with you.
August Exploration
We will be doing some Intergenerational Formation on August 11, 18 & 25 from 9:30 to 10:15 in the parish hall.
Watch this space for more details. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Labor Day Bake Sale
The summer ends with the Labor Day Bake Sale. This is a major fundraiser for our outreach ministries. We run the bake sale on Labor Day along with the Upper Arlington Labor Day Art Show.
The Bake Sale is September 2.
You can help by making food – anything shelf stable is welcome: cookies, cakes, brownies, jams etc…
Watch the space for sign ups to help with set up, selling and clean up.
And, of course, come and buy some yummy treats.