Saint Mark’s is proud to be a community where “all are welcome – no exceptions” and we want to provide a safe environment that considers the health and well-being of our parishioners and guests. Accordingly, and in light of recent changes in CDC, Franklin County Public Health, and Diocesan guidance, we would like to clarify Saint Mark’s masking guidelines:
On Campus – Indoors
- Masking is respectfully requested for all individuals (vaccinated and unvaccinated) over two years of age during Sunday worship services and large gatherings.
- At all other times, masking is optional for those who are fully vaccinated and respectfully requested for those who are unvaccinated.
- Congregational singing is permitted indoors through masks (vaccinated and unvaccinated alike). If you wish to attend worship in person while remaining distanced from congregational singing, please notify an usher or vestry member when you arrive and you will be directed to alternate seating where you can view the service and receive communion.
On Campus – Outdoors
- Masking is optional for vaccinated individuals and recommended for unvaccinated individuals while outdoors.
- Parish Life activities (such as Coffee Hour and Supper Group) are strongly encouraged to convene outdoors.
As a parish family we will continue to support and stay in community with one another through times of trouble and in times of celebration, and we encourage those who may be unable to attend in person by providing online access to Worship services (Livestream and On Demand) and Parish Life activities (via Zoom) through the Parish Calendar.
The diocese continues to vigorously promote vaccination, as well as hand washing, good ventilation, and outdoor gathering as much as possible.
Read the Diocese of Southern Ohio Updated Guidelines for Public Worship full report published May 19, 2021
Saint Mark’s complete COVID distancing and gathering guidelines are available at the Saint Mark’s webpage COVID-19 Update.
Please contact Father Chris, Mark Drew, Leslie Winters or Dot Yeager if you have questions.
Updated: 6/4/21