Defend, O Lord, your servant with your heavenly grace, that he continue yours forever, and daily increase in your Holy Spirit more and more, until he comes to your everlasting kingdom. Amen. |
Confirmation is confirming the promises made on your behalf at baptism and confirming your desire to be a part of the Episcopal Church for this part of your Christian journey. Youth aged 14 and up and adults who have not been confirmed in the Episcopal Church, the Roman Catholic Church or the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American are confirmed in the Episcopal Church.
Reception is when an adult who has been confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church or the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America becomes a part of the Episcopal Church. The Bishop receives these people into the Episcopal Church.
Reaffirmation is when someone who has been confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church wants to formally reaffirm their commitment to being a part of the Episcopal Church.
The preparation for all three is the same.
Bishop White is coming to visit Saint Mark’s on May 18, 2025 and will be Confirming, Receiving and Reaffirming the faith of interested people at the 10:30 a.m. service that day.
Here is what you need to do.
- Watch each of the videos – there are 5 of them.
- When you have watched all of the videos – fill out this form.
- Attend the in-person classes on Sunday March 30 and Sunday April 27 from 12:30 – 1:30 pm
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Pastor Vicki at or 614-486-9452.